A few States do not perform as well but they have done well also. On the East Coast, New York is my best selling state. I have sold hundreds of orders to people in Texas, Florida, Illinois and more. Even though I am located on the East Coast, I have sold hundreds of orders to people and businesses in the State of California alone which one is my best overall state even though the shipping is much higher. I do not ship my items outside the USA as the complicated regulations, fees, and the high shipping costs as my items are usually heavy and bulky and the USA kept me busy. I have even sold many orders to customers outside the United States. In the years since I have sold several thousands of orders to customers in the USA. In August of 2001, I went on-line and put together a website and named my Web business “The Shelf Factory”. During this time I had relocated to North Carolina and worked this way for many more years until this thing called the “ Internet” was starting to become popular. Before long I moved away from there and The Shelf Factory was put on hold.Īfter this I spent working at “regular jobs”. I dedicated 13 years of my life working for a very small wage while giving them 110%. I was being shut down on them purchasing my brackets for re-sale. After a while, they started buying inferior imported brackets packaged from some company. This must not have set well with the management as they started slowing down in the payment of the brackets and would not give me enough purchase orders for replacing and refilling all the stores displays. I started purchasing a much better grade of SYP lumber from a local lumber company so I could keep the stores supplied. I bought as much as I could from themm but much of it was far too inferior for me to make the amount of brackets in the quality I needed. I was originally buying the lumber I used, Southern Yellow Pine, from the store I worked at, as we stocked a small amount of lumber. To make a long story short, before long I was making more money in my home than I did working 44 – 51 hours a week being employed by the store. I loved to see them fill their shopping carts with them along with finishing materials as well. I received many compliments from customers who knew I made them. Before long, I made some smaller displays as shown in the picture below to place in most of the smaller stores They also sold well there. They sold so well that the other stores wanted some to sell as well. I made the display to hold a substantial quantity of brackets and 2,3 and 4 foot length shelves. Along with agreement from the management in the main store in which I worked, I designed and made a large display unit to put in the store and I titled the display, “ Shelf Factory“.

I started making custom ordered shelves to sell. I made more by myself and before very long people asked for shelves to go along with them. The co-worker who helped me only expected the first ones we made a one time thing, so he decided not to want to do it again, It was quite a bit of work. I wanted to make more, as it was a great way for me to supplement my income.

After I delivered them it did not take long for them to run out. I set up a shop in my house and made some to see how good they would sell. The purchasers of the stores agreed to buy them if we made them. I, along with a co-worker, had the idea of making them for the store to sell. Working in the Lumber department, I had some familiarity with woodworking tools. Customers would ask if we sold wood shelf brackets. The Shelf Factory began in the early 1980’s while working for a small chain of Hardware Home stores that were in the Southern Indiana area.